It was an innocuous enough video. Hardly worth noting, really. A room, a girl, some almost remembered 1960's band playing in the background. There was babbling, of course, but who doesn't babble? He told himself that this moment was significant. There were true moments of affection projected to somebody that wasn't him, not that he was so selfish as to think that they should be, perhaps he just hoped that they could be, possibly, some day. That day was not today.
He wanted to tell her "I understand you. I know the squirrels that run around inside your head when you close your eyes or furrow your brows. I have named mine (Norris, Morton, the shy one in the corner is Penelope). You make sense to me." But she would not hear him. Even if she did he would say it in such a convoluted way that it would not make sense by the time it got to her heart. And really that was the only important part that should receive his message. Everything else was noise. . .
"This is significant", he repeated.
© October 27 2008